Tuesday, August 7, 2007

every other workday (so far)...

Ok so basically every day since my first day has reinforced the following. Forget what you heard. Here, its really busy season. blechhh...Especially on the FS clients, one of which I just worked on for the past three weeks. Sooooo to all you people enjoying your summer – live it up! We work…sometimes a lot…and the workpapers are scary. Maybe I shouldn’t be writing this down haha…they are just too scary to not mention. Just take the worst workpapers you have ever seen and multiply that times an engagement. Then times a whole office. Then times a whole country. Yeahhhh… On the bright side, all of my SGM coworkers thus far have been really great and super helpful! There are a surprising number of other people who are here from all over…be it the UK, South Africa or…um the UK or um…South Africa…haha. I’ll work on broadening my horizons sometime later. Supposedly there are tons of Germans too but I have yet to meet any of them. Oh well. Plus side so far is that I realllllllly like my group – SGM. Its like a somewhat extended family since everyone is super nice and friendly. Its so great to have people introduce themselves to you! My buddy here is super cool too. His name is Max and he is from Edinborough. Yay Scots..haha… Its great to have him as a buddy though, especially since he just moved here 6 months ago. And the other great person I have met in SGM is my roommate – Jamie! She is awesome! I can’t wait to actually start working on SGM jobs instead of this FS nonsense!

The best part of SGM so far has been the "SGM Awards Night". The group is still pretty small (about 150 ppl) so every year they host an awards night to recognize the hard workers as well as some of the funny things people have done/said over the past year. I would totally love it if we had something like this in the US. I guess its kinda hard to explain via blog but I'll try to "capture the magic" as best as I can. The theme was Willy Wonka so you had two options for dress code - black tie or movie character haha. Since I didnt have a dress, I bought one (black tie style..not Oompa Loompa). They held the event at a function room overlooking Darling Harbor (which is every bit as "darling" and cute as the name implies). When we first arrived, we had cocktail hour outside on the balcony overlooking the harbor and then went in to have dinner. They started dinner with a cute little skit then we had our appetizers (which they actually call entrees here...weird). Then after that they did the awards. First were awards for People, Quality and Growth, as well as an "Overall" winner. Those people each got $200 gift certificates to dinner! What a great prize! After the serious awards were over, then they presented the non serious awards in the form of a top ten countdown of quotes and moments from over the past year. It was hysterical! All throughout, the waiters and waitresses kept refilling our glasses. The we had our entrees (aka "Mains" to those in Aussie) and after that danced the night away to tons of great 80s songs while still more drinks kept flowing! We danced like crazy until like 2am and then Jamie and I realized we had to get to bed so we could catch a flight the next morning..more about that in my Gold Coast post =)

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